Friday, March 24, 2023

Richard emerges from the dungeon. Or, the past three weeks.


he month is nearly ending, and I am finally writing about my progress on the dungeon. Don't mistake a lack of updates for lack of work. As you can see from the pictures below, I have been busy. The month has seen the second level of the dungeon come into focus. With this focus, the entire concept of the dungeon is also in focus.

One of the things I am working with is the concept of water. My idea with the keep is that it is surrounded by a moat. So, as I mapped out rooms, water in the lower levels would be a good feature. To account for this water, I decided to have the moat be bottomless (apparently), and the hill the keep rests on an endless pillar of land.

Since there will be water, the lower levels will also see water. How is this going to play into the concept of fire? I have a few ideas. What they are is yet to be seen. No, I am not being vague. Having an idea is different than having something practical.

Now, here is proof of my work in progress.

Monday, March 6, 2023

Getting lost in the design


o, I did not stop designing the dungeon. No, I did not go into witness protection. I have not been in the best health and have not had the energy to do much but sleep and recuperate. When I do have energy, the last thing I want to do is sit down for extended periods at the computer. That is why #dungeon23 always appealed to me. It is a good use of time and energy to develop something. As you can see, a lot has been worked on.

The dungeon is progressing nicely. The first actual level of the dungeon is done, and it ties nicely into the theme of the above keep. The level is a secret library and scriptorium; everything here ties into this. Though the level is small, it is perfect for what I needed to have. However, I need to expand it more when polishing this project.

With January over, February has brought a new level, and this one will be the last one tied to the keep and library. Like any stronghold or important building, a crypt devoted to the dead is needed, which is what this level will be. Since the keep above is so old, the crypts must accommodate sarcophagi, tombs devoted to significant figures, a few treasure vaults, and undead threats and traps.

There is another feature I need to account for, and that is water. This water is due to the moat that surrounds the keep. This moat is fed by a fissure that brings the moat's water to the surface. How deep this feature goes, I am still determining. All I know is that it appears bottomless, and part of the dungeon lies close to it, allowing dampness to seep in. 

That is where we stand now. I still enjoy this project. I still find it creatively stimulating. I also find it calming.

Thursday, February 16, 2023

Work continues


iss me? I thought so. It has been about a week, and that is due to the fact I have been sick. I am still sick, but that is beside the point. I have been able to keep up with The Temple of the Lost Flame. I find the whole #Dungeon23 cathartic. Especially when you do not have the energy to do anything but sleep.

As you see below, a lot of work has taken place. However, as you notice, only some rooms are numbered, thus leaving a few empty rooms. As I mentioned before, I do not believe in having every room in a dungeon numbered and filled. It makes no sense, and it really disrupts the theme of your dungeon.

Why two maps? I knew you were going to ask that. Here is the reason. While working on the dungeon, inspiration struck. The theme of the dungeon deals with the return of a lost god. This god will return via a prison that lies deep within the dungeon. Unbeknownst to the players, the cult dedicated to this god is working below on doing just that.

With that in mind, I realized that imprisoning something would cause some form of geographic upheaval. This upheaval would lead to the structure of the dungeon shifting. With this in mind, I decided that the first level of the dungeon would be shifted. What was once a level structure is now gone. This shift has seen one part of the dungeon drop thirty feet.

The shift takes place between the two round rooms. Once they make their way to Room 12, they reach Room 13 through a very vertical shaft that is difficult to move through. Once through, they enter the room and then the rest of the dungeon.

Unlike the first half, this half will have more rooms of interest, and each room ties into the theme of this level and the structure above. In addition, this level will have a few tunnels that lead to the outside and offer new ways into the dungeon.

I am using this section to set up the secondary plot I have been slowly building since I began the project. What is this plot? I have yet to nail it down. However, I know it will involve three groups that have been in. conflict for a while. These three groups offer the PCs a chance to choose a side and end the conflict.

That is where we stand now. The work could be faster, and the haphazard way the project started is currently focused. From here on out, it is just working toward the goal.

Friday, February 3, 2023

Entering the dungeon for real. Honest. Yeah, I mean it.


anuary is now in the rearview mirror, and I survived the first month of #Dungeon23 is over. Truth be told, I did not accomplish as much as I hoped I would. I immediately blew up what I had done within the first week of January, so much of the work went to waste. However, this did have an upside. It allowed me to rethink what I wanted, leading to a shift in focus for my first level. So what did I accomplish? Here is the rundown.

  • A new plot sets the overall theme of the project.
  • The creation of a keep that serves a few roles.
    • The base for a group of bandits plaguing the area.
    • A mystery that links to what lies below.
    • A piece of plot that will have ramifications for the plot.
    • An entry point into the dungeon.
  • Creating the village Elias' Spring which serves a few roles.
    • Homebase for the player's characters.
    • A location for the various groups to have agents hidden in.
  • Developing four major factions that will play essential roles in the plot.
  • A rough idea, at least for me, of the area outside Elias' Spring and the dungeon.

Looking at the list, I realize I have accomplished a lot. Although, at the time, it did not seem that way.

Now that I am three days into February, I have entered the dungeon. As shown in the picture, I have mapped out the first 10 rooms. Yes, I know, there are a lot of empty ones. Why? One of the stumbling blocks in creating a dungeon is trying to fill every room with something. This leads to a menagerie. Every room has something that does not fit the dungeon's theme. That is why when I design a dungeon--ok, it has been ages since I have done this--I always leave rooms empty. I do this so I have spots I can fill on the fly. Numbered spaces, for me, become set encounters, and these encounters trigger when the characters enter them. My empty rooms come into play when the players need a jolt or if I get struck with inspiration. I will create a table allowing the empty rooms to be randomly filled with something fitting that level's theme.

What happens when I reach February 12? The round room to the left of Room 10 has a set of stairs that takes you down a few feet into the rest of level 2. Yes, level 2 drops down a few feet and then continues. Why? I do not know yet; the idea came to me. When I get to 2/12 and 2/13, I will figure it out.

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

My imagination runs wild and as such Richardtopia is born


o matter what, there is one thing in life you can count on, designers love to design. This designer is no different, and despite my current #Dungeon23 project, I am working on a few new releases for Rogue Games. I am also working on Project Phoniex

As I wrote about last week, I take a different approach to the first level of a dungeon. The surrounding area is just as important because it offers more challenges for players. It also provides a place to set action outside the dungeon that affects inside the prison. Additonky, the world outside the dungeon is vital due to needing a village or settlement that the players can use as a resting spot for their characters.

Welcome to lovely Richardtopia

For my dungeon, that location is the village of Elias' Spring. I described some of the business on January 20 (week three of the project). I will write about that on Friday; I am using it as a prologue to this post. With the noting out of Elias' Spring, I started thinking about where the village is located worldwide. I did a few rough sketches and then began fleshing things outward. I was only going to keep the area small. Still, my imagination got the better of me, and the region got larger...much more extensive. How large? Look to the right.

So I got carried away. Why? I let my imagination run and thought about the plot I was setting up. The story, though small at first, will have much more significant ramifications for the region, or world, as a whole. One of the critical things about this rough region is that it has the three things I love most: extensive forests, mountains, and many lakes. How they play into the main plot, I have yet to learn. All of these features give me spots that can inspire adventures.

And no, I am still determining what I will name this place. But, for now, it is dubbed Richardtopia.

Friday, January 20, 2023

A new direction leads to a better dungeon


 ast week, I wrote about how I blew up my progress and restarted my work. It was a decision I did not take lightly. Honestly, it was something I did not want to do. However, the more I worked on the dungeon, the more I truly hated what I was creating. So I pulled the trigger and blew the whole thing up.

picture of this week's journal pages

While standing in the ruins, I rethought the whole thing and worked out the project's overall theme. Then, with the theme in mind, the background came into focus. To be honest, I had a rough idea of what the background is. After all, the title of this project is The Temple of the Lost Flameso it gives you an idea of what we are in for.

Once all of the rethinking was over, everything clicked, and the work was fun and on track. The first thing I created was a small keep that served as a base for a group of bandits. These bandits have no clue what lies below them. In addition, one of the rooms in the keep is only accessed via a room in the lower levels of the dungeons. This has been part of my plans since the start, and I have now made it better.

Over the next few days, my next task will be fleshing out the small village of Elias' Spring. This village is going to serve two purposes. The first is the most obvious. It will be a home base for the players while they explore and deal with the threat the dungeon is. The second purpose is how it ties into my overall plot. 

Sure, a home base is essential, but equally important is having locations outside of the dungeon that serves the plot. For example, the village will have people spying on things for those working on their nefarious plot. In addition, there are bandits in the area, and a town is a crucial tie-in.

The last thing on my list is a rough map of the general area. This will help me figure out critical locations outside the dungeon that serves as other ways in and out. Also, I need a general idea of the surrounding area for the bandits to work.

So why is there no dungeon level this month? There is.

I have always considered the area outside of the dungeon as being Level 1. It is here that the players get the feel of things. Think of it as their warmup for the main event. Once the 1st level is "done," the players are ready to descend into the danger below.

Looking at where things stand now, everything above ground will be finished by the end of the month. Then I can deal with the fun stuff.

That is where we are this week. Next week might have a few posts dealing with other topics.

Friday, January 13, 2023

From the ruins


 mentioned last week how I hated what I had created and how it affected my not being happy with my work. Instead of giving up, I changed course and rethought the first level. By doing this, I created something I like better. 

Sitting down and thinking about what I wanted to do before I did it, I realized that the first level of any dungeon needs to be the hook that sucks you in. Without that first level, you lack a clear idea of where you want things to go. Just randomly starting with a 10x10 square room and putting something in there does not give you an exciting dungeon.

My work on this project has one important rule:

Do not look at the past.

It looks pretty funny coming from the one who created Colonial Gothic. Yet I needed to set this in stone and keep it in mind. There are many, many, many, many, many megadungeons out there. The temptation exists to look at them and study the structure of the whole thing. This is dangerous.


Simple, they influence you when designing. I've played and run The Temple of Elemental Evil a few times. I am going to need help remembering what I know. However, if I went back to reread it, I knew it would subconsciously affect my design.

Where does my project stand with all of that out of the way? Since blowing everything up, the first level begins in a keep held by bandits. Slowly developing, these bandits have tied some way into the plot surrounding the dungeon.

One surprising thing that surprised me is another group that is active in the dungeon appeared that I should have accounted for. I jotted down the notes for the three factions and knew they would be a significant subplot for the jail.