Friday, March 24, 2023

Richard emerges from the dungeon. Or, the past three weeks.


he month is nearly ending, and I am finally writing about my progress on the dungeon. Don't mistake a lack of updates for lack of work. As you can see from the pictures below, I have been busy. The month has seen the second level of the dungeon come into focus. With this focus, the entire concept of the dungeon is also in focus.

One of the things I am working with is the concept of water. My idea with the keep is that it is surrounded by a moat. So, as I mapped out rooms, water in the lower levels would be a good feature. To account for this water, I decided to have the moat be bottomless (apparently), and the hill the keep rests on an endless pillar of land.

Since there will be water, the lower levels will also see water. How is this going to play into the concept of fire? I have a few ideas. What they are is yet to be seen. No, I am not being vague. Having an idea is different than having something practical.

Now, here is proof of my work in progress.

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